Sunday, November 14, 2010



Holographic Display


Creating a Holographic Display.Basically an animation would be projected on to a holographic plate which is going to create the holographic display. The holographic plate would be mounted onto a stand in front of the user. I would be using a projector to project the animation. The animation would be a 3D visualization called "whitecap" which is normally used on windows media player. At the right angel the holographic display would appear in the middle of thin air.

Problem Identification

User can use a touch screen to move to the move to the next selection of songs or pause and play. The user also would be able to watch the whitecap animation trough a holographic plate which would be placed in front of them.

Aim and Objectives

-To explore more of holographic display technology
-To bring holographic display another step forward
-User can not only hear the music but also watch music in 3 dimensional
-Hope this method could be brought into homes in the future


To create a new experience in home entertainment and hope it would be
useful in the future.

Ideation and Concept

Creating an installation where the user can not only hear the music but also watch it from a abstract point of view.

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